Accelerating evolution for extraordinary organisations

We use consulting, coaching and training to bring leading-edge intelligence and tools to help organisations make sustained shifts in culture, systems and practices.

What are your top priorities or questions

There is an ongoing stream of ‘best practices.’ When you come across one, ask:
  1. Is this just PR from a tech unicorn or marketing copy from a consulting firm?
  2. Is the solution based on real evidence?
  3. Has it been shown to work in our context?
  4. What elements should we test in our environment?
We continuously monitor practices from around the world and across domains to uncover what works.
Agile, Digital, etc. are overused terms presented as one-stop-solutions. Sometimes you’re better off targeting low-hanging fruit or making surgical investments. True transformations take years and can’t be purchased ‘off-the-shelf’ and air-dropped in six months.

If you’re going to take on a transformation, work with practitioners who’ve been in your shoes through multi-year transitions.
Most solutions target symptoms but, like aspirin for a headache, don’t treat the root cause. To tackle root causes, you need to pick tactics based on an understanding of the complex interactions of your organisation to avoid fixing one problem while creating more.

We use tools - like Wardley Mapping, Cynefin Framework and Systems thinking - to understand your organisation, the interventions that will work, and what unintended consequences they might create.
Scale breeds inefficiency and breaks culture.
  • Scale requires structure and specialisation. Structure and specialisation create overhead and inefficiency.
  • Dunbar’s Number tell us that culture will need to radically change with scale.
Organisations that deliberately design structure and shape culture get the benefits of scale without incurring the hidden costs.
The prevailing belief that low productivity is a staff problem has been disproven for decades, and yet it is still the fundamental tenant of modern HR practices. Starting with E. Deming in the 60s and backed by modern research, organisational systems and structure cause over 80% of inefficiency.

We work with organisations to design their systems and structures to integrate decades of research and take advantage of flow and utilisation efficiency.
Do you need 1.1x, 2x or 10x innovation? Do you need to build the next innovative product or service, or do you want to cultivate innovation as an ongoing staple of your organisation? Are you okay with outsourcing innovation, or do you want to integrate innovation into the systems, practices and culture of your organisation?

Innovation is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We work with organisations to determine how to develop innovation engines for their unique context.
Change and disruption are constant. People don’t like change; it’s hard and often stressful. Leaders need to cultivate an environment in which their teams are resilient and thrive in the face of disruption. This requires creating stability in teams, career paths, and processes, rather than specific projects, products or services.

We work with leaders to build the requisite skills for working in a disruptive environment.
Every organisation has an operating system. Many aren’t designed and are simply a patchwork of policies, habits and traditions built up over the years. Extraordinary organisations recognise that intentional operating system design creates highly effective organisational dynamics.

We help organisations understand their current operating system and how and where to make targeted investments to upgrade it.
“Are we in the Cloud? Are we doing AI?” Organisations often feel obligated by their shareholders and executives to integrate DevOps, IoT, Robotics, AI/ML and Cloud, without truly comprehending the role these technologies may play within their organisational system.

We help organisations understand how to integrate these amazing technologies throughout their unique organisational system, rather than ‘bolting them on.’

We help leaders accelerate evolution that matters

80% of Agile Transformations fail. Isolating Agile to tech creates organisational friction and enterprise agility requires more than teaching business teams Agile.

Assess your agility Evolve your agility
Digital is not just the digitisation of manual processes. Real digital organisations orient to their customers and embed digital in their culture.

Assess your organisation for digital Evolve to a digital organisation
Command and control is dead, and engagement surveys don’t fill the gap. Knowledge workers need leaders with organisational design, systems thinking and team dynamics as core skills.

Learn about our Organisational Designer training for leaders
With growth comes mass. With mass comes inertia. Responsiveness needs to be built into culture, systems and structures to compete in the age of disruption. Innovation is a learned skill and an emergent property of your culture. It’s not something you should buy or outsource.

Assess innovative capacity Evolve your innovative capacity
Culture eats strategy for breakfast, but you don’t build culture through autonomy and OKRs. Shaping culture is the real challenge for modern leaders. Our propritary Organisational Dynamics model is a continually updated synthesis of the latest research, books, case studies, and leading-edge intelligence covering all aspects of the science, design and habits of the world's most extraordinary organisations.

How we can support you


Our O-Map Assessment uses diagnostic surveys, interviews and observations we benchmark you against extraordinary organisations and highlight capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and areas to focus.


We work with you to apply proven, researched tools like the Cynefin Framework, Wardley Mapping and Systems Thinking to clarify where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.


Beyond Digital and Agile Transformations, Culture Change Initiatives, and Operating Model Design. We work with you to build the capabilities to realise your strategy.


Trusted and confidential executive advisory and coaching - for you and your leadership teams - from experienced practitioners who have walked in your shoes.


Our Organisational Engineer Training synthesises leading-edge intelligence and tools - to build your team's ability to execute under uncertainty and drive innovation.

API for Expertise

We’re not the best at everything, and when you need something we can’t provide, we engage our network of world-class expertise - from engineers to org. psychologists.

Why Organisational Dynamics?

Mainstream consulting and training doesn’t address today's challenges. We built an evolving model that does.

Rigorous analysis of which strategies to pursue aren't useful if they're not suited to your organisation. Rigid and dogmatic frameworks and generic case studies aren't useful if they don't apply to your unique context.

We base our approach on replicable and evidence-based research and theory and help you build capabilities to take on the challenges you face.

Produced by OmniGraffle 7.16 2020-06-08 10:25:21 +0000 OD vs. Mainstream Consulting Dyad Implementation Roadmap and Plan Evidence-Based Theory and Research Case Studies and Frameworks Practitioner’s Toolkit and Feedback Loops Mainstream Consulting Ball-Solid Large Medium Small Ball-Solid Large Medium Small Organisational Dynamics

Your context is unique. Map your situation to discover your next best move.


There are multiple paths to achieve any goal and multiple outcomes from any path you take. The best path for your organisation depends on your unique context.

We bring experience and deep understanding of leading-edge organisational dynamics. You bring an understanding of your industry and company. Together, we develop situational awareness of where you are, what you want to accomplish, and what to do next.


Organisational change is an evolutionary process, not a series of projects.

Customer preferences change, competitors innovate, your organisation grows, and new frameworks and methodologies emerge to help you mange everything.

We work alongside you to help you address known challenges while building your organisation's capacity to continually learn.


Make sense of information, methods and tools to avoid investing in the wrong solution.

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Research, practices and tools for developing your organisation are widely available but inaccessible. You probably get the sense that digital transformation, agility, and empowering leadership are related, but how? And, you need more than a book or a course to put something to use.

We bring a first principles understanding of why and how these methodologies work, and how to adapt them to your situation.

What Are Organisational Dynamics?

Produced by OmniGraffle 7.16 2020-06-08 16:16:49 +0000 What are Organisational Dynamics? Version 2.0 Commitments (Purpose, Mission, Vision) To achieve… Extraordinary organisations build the right… and build it right Which they do through developing Doing this well requires the ability to understand and work with Organisational Dynamics OD Logo Large Medium Small Pillars Efficiency & Quality Product & Services Organisation & Culture Levers Practices Systems Leadership White Overlay Ball-White Large Medium Small { { { {

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